Tuesday, April 01, 2008

McVay girls go Bow-rific!

Thanks to Kendra's blog the McVay girls are bowrific! For about $4.55 I made 6 bows. I still have 6 clips left. So the actual cost for all of the bows when I use the last 10 clips will be about .75 per bow! For you boy moms that is at least $60.00 worth of bows if not more! You know this does my frugal heart good! My girls so love bows and they are to expensive for me to purchase on a regular basis. So when you see my girls and their bows are a little (or a lot) lopsided you'll know they were made with love not skill.

And a big thanks to cute Taylor and her mama Kendra who inspired this bowrific day!


Kathryn, Michael and Alex said...

I going to make a bow for Alex...just cause!!!

Sarah said...

When I was little I remember making bows with my mom too! I loved them because it was exactly what I wanted but also because I got to make them with my mom. I think it is awsome that you guys did this too!

Mrs. K's Lemonade Stand said...

LOL, how cute are they! I just love little girls with bows and ribbons in their hair. :) They just look so sweet.

Yuki said...

Check out this website, your girls will be thrill! Have fun :D

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