Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Grocery, Kitchen & More V:How the McVays Eat

We are very conscious of what we eat especially at home. We are undercover whole wheat and grains folks....SURPRISE!

I cook as much as I can from scratch which includes...breakfast, lunch & dinners. WE ARE NOT ALL ORGANIC folks. We do try to eat more simply. We eat some organics and avoid foods that have ingredients I cannot pronounce or sound like something I would use to kill rats! We are really big on the food pyramid, raw foods, whole grains, game meats, farm eggs, garden vegetables, organic or simple (few ingredients) cereals, milk & soy milk. I am not a food fanatic this represents the rules I generally follow...

So I guess I'll just go through a few products that I love ....

Bragg's amino acid (use it like soy sauce without all the bad stuff!)

Water! We are some water drinking freaks! We drink OJ,Milk or water at breakfast and then we drink only water until dinner time. At dinner we have either water or Crystal light! Wayne is still a big diet soda (remember he's diabetic not on a diet!) drinker but we are trying to convert him. We want water to cleanse us just as throughout the Bible God uses water as an image of cleansing (and rebirth).

"but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life."John 4:14

Rice, Beans & Cornbread! My family loves this meal and it costs me less than a $1 to feed the whole lot. Except for the fact that every time I make it I feel compelled to make dessert we'd make off like bandits!


(No this is not my cupboard!)
Morningside food co-op where I can order healthier foods in large quantities at lower prices. I only order the following items: whole wheat pastry flour, brown rice, dried beans, oats, whole wheat tortillas, dried fruit. I rotate what I order so I don't blow my whole months budget!

Sam's Club
I just love this store because I can buy enormous Honey & Peanut Butter! We use a lot of honey in place of sugar and the kids love PB&H sandwiches. Plus who doesn't love the snacks they provide for the children while you shop? Be sure to know your prices because sometimes its not cheaper at Sam's!I keep my eye on prices in the store to see if there is anything else we can take advantage of!
We typically buy: Honey, Peanut butter, Cheese (save $4.07), Pretzels (save $2.26)
I love bulk food because it saves me both time and money!

This is not food but they really rock! These are the best vitamins and the kids love them! Mom & Dad take Supermom and Superdad vitamins and they have made a big difference in my energy levels! Made by www.beeyoutiful.com (free shipping orders over $125) or www.morethanalive.com also carries it (free shipping $50+).

What's important when you are determining what your family will eat is your family. What is going to work for you guys and what won't, how much time do you have? Do you have medical issues? Are you struggling with obesity or anorexia?....Look for God and see how he is leading you in this matter ....

"He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna, which neither you nor your fathers had known, to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD." Deut. 8:3

Really....Cheap Trix in the Kitchen by the end of this week! This post was already written but now that I'm no longer ill I'll get to work on Cheap trix!


Garratts said...

Where do you get those vitamins?

5 Chicks and a Farmer said...

I haven't heard of the Bragg Liquid Amino Acids. I need to look into that! Thanks for sharing!


texasmcvays said...

You can get the vitamins at www.beeutiful.com ($125 free shipping) or www.morethanalive.com ($50 free shipping)! I'll edit the post and add this information.

Kathryn, Michael and Alex said...

I love Show and Tell...can't wait for the cheap trix.

Mindi said...

Hi Kyle!

Just dropped in to say "hi!"

Love your blog, by the way!


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