Saturday, May 12, 2007

God working in my life * SOLD

Okay, so today is Peyton's 9th birthday party. She turned 9 last week. In a very un-Kyle fashion I was at Wal-Mart picking up the cake, tablecloth, napkins, goodie bags & goodies at 11:00 a.m. Now the party is at noon. But I am making good time and I am not at all worried even though these are the kinds of things I would have done the day before normally. So I am over there in the bakery talking to Laney & Bessie (yes I know most of the clerks by name...its a mission field!) and joking around how this has been such a wonderful easy going morning. How everything has fallen right into place and I have time to spare. So I get my cake and turn around and notice the store is packed because it is mid day on Saturday but 'praise God' there is no wait in the self check lines. So we skip over to the self check line and I ring up all of our stuff and go into my purse to get my money wallet and it's not there....I take a few (50-100) deep breaths and look again its not there now I am frantically starting to pull things out of my purse. ITS NOT THERE ITS NOT THERE ITS NOT THERE....... Okay deep breath and a silent prayer 'God I need to see someone I know that has a cell phone'. No sooner did I pray this then I looked up and saw Charli Brooks' husband (who I bearly know!) and Mackenzie. So in a panic I hurried over to him while thanking God for his appearance at Wal-Mart. As I frantically told him what happened and asked to use his cell phone he said "I'd be happy to pay for that if they have an ATM around here." So, I called Wayne to see if he was close enough to get to Wal-Mart he was in Carlos! Then Mr. Brooks kindly followed me over to the Self Check and paid for my $28 worth of groceries! There are so many scriptures that I could use to describe this but the one that has been close to my heart for weeks now is

1Thes 5:16-18: "Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. "

A long time favorite:

Mat 21:22 "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer."

I prayed and I knew that God would send someone that had a cell phone I could use. I remembered to thank him for sending help, so quickly. What I did not know is that he would provide abundantly for the need at hand. There was a man that was willing to pay for my groceries without concern to the amount he was "happy to do it". I wonder how many times I've asked God something and forgot to look up when a 'Mr Brooks' was right there wanting to help. How many times have a walked away from God's abundant help to accept nothing or mediocrity! Today was I good day I saw God today and my kids got to see God provide for us!

Now misc. way less events in the lives of the McVay's....

Our house sold and we close on May 28th!

Peyton & Parker performed in the Homeschool Choir and were simply wonderful!

Peyton's fun skating party

Our tax check got here early so we will have power and water in the country soon!

Owners of a 1997 Fleetwood Prowler

God is Good!


Kathryn, Michael and Alex said...

I call on you, O God, for you will answer me; give ear to me and hear my prayer.
Psalm 17:6

I love when He is answering our prayers as we are praying them.

He is faithful!!!

Lisa Smith said...

And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. Phil. 4:19

Misc. So sorry we missed Peyton's party...But, we totally want to come romp in the country this summer!

Know anyone wanting a 1997 Suburban?

sdfs said...

I can NOT believe Pearson was EVER that photoshopped that picture!

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