Friday, March 16, 2007

I love Cooking!

"...she provides food for her family " Proverbs 31:15b

If you spend some time with me at home you'll find out I love cooking! I also think of it as both a ministry to my family and a way to be different from the world. I cook most of my meals from scratch, tonight we are having on of my favorite meals clam chowder (recipe link:! As I was cooking tonight I was thinking about why I used to hate cooking. It was because know any ways to make it easier on myself. So here are a few tips to help you out in the kitchen:
  1. When you have to chop something (celery, carrots,green peppers, onions....) chop as much as you have and flash freeze the rest! That way when you need some more you can just dip your cup into the container and scoop it out! this can save up to 5 minutes in cooking/clean up time!
  2. If you brown some ground beef, brown as much as you can and flash freeze it. This can save as much as 30 minutes in cooking/clean up time!
  3. If you bake a chicken bake 2 or 3 and pull all the meat off of the extras and flash freeze it!This can save as much as 45-60 minutes in cooking/clean up time!

Flash freeze: Take a cookie sheet lined with wax paper. Put whatever you are freezing on the cookie sheet and let it freeze on the cookie sheet. Then put it in your 'reused' butter bowl/whip cream bowl. Then you can scoop out what you need and you do not have to defrost a bunch of something to get 1/2 cup!

Also once you freeze a vegetable it is no longer a good idea to use it in a fresh salad such as Heather&Kirby's Ghetto Spinach, Strawberry and feta Salad! But its fabulous for anything you will be cooking!

If you like these tips I have more just let me know! I love to cook!


Lisa Smith said...

I'm so using this freezing thingie. Anyone reading this, take her advice...She cured my phobia of cooking large chunks of meat, even prime rib!

Also, I'm ordering the Proverbs book as well.

Kathryn, Michael and Alex said...

I am going to do that just so that I can say that I "Flash Freezed" something.
That is my new favorite word, it could be a game...Flash Freeze!!!!

sdfs said...

I'm with Kathryn, I just want to say it!!

You should have a TV show...and I should really be taking notes when I "observe" you as an older woman around your house!!

Of course I mean...younger woman!

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