Sunday, March 25, 2007

For Sale

When do you spend 2 days painting many rooms 'bonjour beige' (how appropriate) every time your 18 month old closes her eyes?

When do you walk into your own house and stop and back up and make sure you didn't just walk into the neighbors house, because it looks like no kids live here?

When do you spend $2600 on carpet you'll never enjoy?

When do you have a panic attack (because you have kids and you cannot guarantee the house is going to be "show ready") every time the phone rings?

When do you spend $50 on a garden you'll hopefully never see grow?

When do strangers come through your house then leave e-mail you notes about the things they do not like about the first home you ever owned and the one in which you had two kids?

You guessed it when your house is for sale! Please pray our house sells soon and we can move into our spacious travel trailer! Pray for my peace of mind having to bundle up kids so folks can come through and that I can continually show my children grace and love during this stressful time. as we wait for the Lords timing.


sdfs said...

I'm praying for you!!

I'm sorry I can't help out with the painting!! but one test down and one to go!!

Where is your trailer going to be?!! Will I still be able to find it, lol?!

Hendrick Family said...

I'm praying too! My word, I know how difficult this is. I'm praying for you to trust the Lord...we have no doubt He will do this in His time. I am praying you react to stress in a God-honoring way. It's SO HARD, but God can do it through you.

I am praying that after this difficult season, you will look back and see INCREDIBLE growth in your walk with the Lord. After a phone call from a realtor I would tell the Lord..."God, if I can make it through the next hour, cleaning my house and talking in a kind voice to my kids...if I can honor you through THIS...I can honor you through ANYTHING!!!"

I'm praying!!

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