Friday, July 14, 2006

Today we found out our neighbors home is now under contract so we will have the only house for sell on our 4 house cul de sac . Well we are getting so excited as we prepare to close on the 5 acre property in the country. Please keep us in your prayers as we will be moving into a travel trailer on the property as our home is built. We are truly blessed because our next door neighbor is a friend of ours and she originally showed us the area. Again keep us in your prayers as we transition from a suburban life to a "countryfied-homeschooling" life. I couldn't beleive it in June a dear friend of mine called me a red neck! Just becase I was standing in the middle of someones family property picking grapes off of a crapemyrtle with my three kids in boots picking and running (well two of them).Rest assured I corrected her and informed her I am obviously a maroon neck!Blessings 3psinatxpod

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