Thursday, April 26, 2012



A Black Bellied Whistling Duck visited McDaddy and I as we had coffee Sunday morning.

Nothing says spring in the country like a hen & chicks. This week our brooding chicken had her chicks! Hopefully, we'll get some more green egg layers out of the deal.

I didn't think I had anything funny on the camera this week until I saw this picture of McDaddy in the Tent we erected for the children to play in! He's such a great Dad!

Last weekend a bunch of folks from our small group came out to help us fix our driveway. We had a huge hole at the front of our driveway from the rain. ...

paint our play house light blue....

paint our picnic benches my favorite color....
They also hauled off a bunch of trash (furniture, broken stuff) we had accumulated and was really make the place look bad. They also got most of our above ground pool cleaned out which we will be filling in the next couple of weeks. This was a REAL blessing!

Runner ups for  REAL....
  1. Sweety has pneumonia and has been on nebulizer treatments
  2. McDaddy had a root canal & 2 fillings
visit Like Mother Like Daughter for more folks finding contentment everyday!


Kayleen said...

Chickens! We want chickens one day! We moved in a year ago to our house and have a good place for them, but we are opting to wait one more year. I don't feel educated enough about them. Plus we're having a baby this summer. Though, I know we shouldn't put it off too long...there could be a 'baby on the way' for many years to come!

The tag line of your blog cracks me up...very cute :)

texasmcvays said...

Chickens are easy...if you cna prepare for them now and get them a couple of months after the baby arrives. Becuase as you said you'll prayfully have a baby on the way for many years! :)

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Topics: farming, homesteading, chickens, garden, buff orpingtons, kids, Christ, Christian Homemaking, Bible, rabbits, chicks,cooking, food, comfort food, country food, nurishing traditions, organic, Baptist, raising kids, farm, fun, black homeschoolers, black homeschool, lamplighter coupon, lamp lighter discount, decorate small house, country decor, reformed baptist, Mama

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