Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Spilled Milk

I've been reading, A Sane Woman's Guide to Raising a Large Family, although I am still looking for this sane woman to raise my family, I have found encouragement in its pages and hope you will too.

"But plenty of the little irritations in life are related to broken dishes and lost shoes and forgotten multiplication tables-normal kid stuff. That's when its time to take a deep breath and summon up that calm voice from somewhere inside so I can smile at the unhappy little one, and hut down the shoes or teach him how to sweep up the mess or drill four times seven yet again." pa 89

The good news is it gets much easier you buy cheap & plastic dishes and you adopt sayings like "it's not dinner until some spills their drink" and everyone laughs!

Happy Blessed Mothering!

PS- if this was encouraging, feel free to check like it's an encouragement to me!:)

1 comment:

PrairieJenn said...

Hi:) I just wanted to pass The Versatile Blogger Award on to you! It’s for new or newly discovered blogs that have a lot to offer readers. Here’s the link to my blog for more information and the award button. Thanks for sharing such encouraging thoughts with other homeschool moms. You have a beautiful family, and I'm glad to have found your blog!

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