Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Homeschooling Journey: Speech Therapy

An ongoing issue...
It's not uncommon for someone to bring Sweetie to me and ask me what she is saying. And it's not uncommon for her to have to repeat herself to me a cuople of times before I have any idea what she is say. I was really hoping that after few years more people would be able to understand what Peyton was saying. But unfortunately it just seemed like it hasn't gotten a great deal better. Sugar Pie is also hard to understand and has an overbite due to her thumb sucking. So we recently took both Sugar Pie and Sweetie in to get evaluated.

The good news....
SugarPie passed the evaluation and it was found that she had speech irregularities within the norm for her age. But that her vocabulary and her comprehension were above average.

The rest was a welcome back to Speech Therapy ...
Sweetie, however, did not pass and she was found to have a very low range of speech ability and we are again doing speech therapy at the local Rehab place. Recently, I knew Peyton was in store for a frenectomy when we had braces put on her teeth in the future. But what I have recently learned is that this condition can cause speech delays. So now I've called the dentist office to dissucss Sweeties situation and it has been determined the speech therapist Brianne needs to make the determination of whether she thinks it's interfereing with her speech. Sp we may have a physical limiation to deal with in regards to her speech delay as well. 

Why not do it at home?
As a homeschooler it's hard to go outside the house for help, we tend to want to solve our own problems. We are an indendent bunch. So I of course considered using osme of the programs that I've found to teach your child speech therapy at home. But just like Piano lessons I think speech therapy  may better be left to other folks. I was very concerned I would not be able to do it well and that a problem that could be improved wouldn't be.

1 comment:

Autismland Penny said...

I find that it works out better for all involved if I let specialists handle some things. Great job, mom!

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