Monday, August 15, 2011

Weekly Wrap Up - Homeschool Prep, Pnemonia, Reward & Randomness

This week I thoroughly cleaned out homeschool book shelves to remove things from last year and make ready for things for this year. I've been reading this book Amish Money Secrets and it has made me profoundly aware of amount of wasted money I spend on curriculum. By buying inexpensive items with the intent to use them, changing curriculum's mid-year and collecting free items which take up space & steal peace. So here is a bucket of homeschool flash cards we've had for years some bought, given & found that are all going to half price books.

I added a little reading nook into our homeschool room and Bullet enjoyed it all week!

I also found out my Mennonite company does not sell curriculum on Sundays, I found this out at 12:30 am when I was finally ready to order. It's really not looking like we are going to make that August 22nd start date, because I am unwilling to pay for expedited shipping so August 29th here we come!

This week I also started blanket training the twins. This is where you teach small children to stay on a blanket for extended periods of times so you can do something like homeschool bigger kids without wondering with fear and trepidation where in the house are my dynamic duo!

In Texas when you are doing foster care you cannot have a trampoline. Okay, well let me rephrase that you can have a trampoline as long as you have a certified trampoline spotter?!?!? Huh..... So we have not had a trampoline for the last year. Which is okay ours was several years old and on the way out! We decided instead of taking a family trip somewhere to celebrate the adoption we would invest in a long term family gift so we purchased a trampoline. The girls were so excited and so was I can you imagine a year of homeschooling with out the ability to tell fidgety kids "Why don't you little darlings go out side and jump!"

 This week 4 out of 5 children got pneumonia so we were house bound and what better thing to do when house bound then drag the twins around in a laundry basket, while screaming something about run Pharaoh's coming!

Well, maybe in two weeks our weekly wrap up will wrap up something to do with school! To see what actuall homeschoolers having school are doing you can go to Weekly Wrap Up!

1 comment:

Tina Hollenbeck said...

Oh, I'll be following your blanket training adventures! Did you get the idea from Raising Godly Tomatoes? I have a 6-month old here now (a girls I babysit), and I am planning to try blanket training when she gets mobile. I'll be very curious to see how it goes for you...because I have 9, 10, and 5 year olds, too, so I think I'm really gonna need it!

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