Friday, July 01, 2011

Weekly Wrap Up - Summer School Bible Bee 2011

During the summer we really try to slow down and take lots of time off to play! The weather in Texas is shall we say, too hot for the devil , in the summer so we spend most of our time at pools & splash pads! Although we focus on fun in the summer we are pressing on with what is left of our school work from 2010-2011 school year. 
 Because of the incredible blessing of the twins we are behind in our normal school schedule by a few weeks. So here is a quick summary of what is going on at Roosterhill Academy:

Sugar Pie

Sweety is doing Math all summer long as she works to catch up. Sadly she is behind because we tried a couple of different math programs that were not good fits for our family last year. But she loves the math we settled on (Christian Light Math) and is happily doing a lesson a day before she goes to swim in our above ground pool.

Bullet is working on the last two books in her Language Arts (Christian Light) then she will be done for the summer. She should complete these 2 books toward the middle or end of July.

Sugar Pie is still plugging along on Teach your child to read 100 Easy Lessons. We are on lesson  63 and I hope to complete it before she begins first grade in the Fall. She is still doing an occasional math lesson in her Horizons K workbook.

The Twins have decided to take two different routes...Bubba is working on puling himself to a standing position. Shoo is still sitting completely straight legged and kicking hard.

 Croupy coughs, swollen tonsils & nebulizers...oh my!
Reading during a nebulizer treatment!

Then 1/2 way through the week bullet reported a sore throat and then she took a flash light and examined her throat, like any true homeschooler, and found that she had white dots on her tongue and the "pink hangy things" aka tonsils. I decided to go into denial as I was still had Bubba on the nebulizer because of a head cold he had picked up.  But by the next day she had a croup cough and a high fever and I had to come out of denial and go to the doctors office. I thought she had strep but the test came back negative but she had spots, swollen tonsils and puss. The next day Shoo woke up with a croup cough,

 Bible Bee 2011 Update

Well we got behind on our Bible Bee Sword Study...very behind. :(  So we stayed home all week and hit the books really hard! We are working to complete  the Sword study week 4 day 5 by today Friday. Except the kids wills till be writing 1 Peter Chapter 1 on Saturday & Sunday. We are on schedule to have it completed. We are still going to be very far behind in the memory verses and I am going to try to instill a more consistent and rigorous memory program for the rest of the summer.

Although we are still plugging along on a few subjects other then this week I do not think we will have too many more long weeks where we spend hours at the table.  Like I said in my earlier Bible bee post this is our first year doing this and there is a pretty steep learning curve for Mom as far as getting it organzied in the best way for our family to receive the maximum benefit from participating in the Bible Bee.

Thoughts about Bible Bee...
working on their Sword Study

The Bible Bee is not for sissies! This is a pretty intense study with loads of memorization. Next time we have a 5 year old unless the child reads & writes really well I think they'll wait until 6 to compete. In fact the rules state contestants should be 6 by the contest (Sugar Pie turns six just before the contest).

I love how the children have begun to interpret scripture to scripture. The other night Dad was reading from Deuteronomy and Bullet stated that is just like verse..... I really think this is a very fruitful way for us to spend our summer. We also enjoy fellowshiping with the folks at our Bible Bee meetings and we are looking forward to our next Bible Bee meeting during which they will take a sample test & recite verses.

So summer school is going pretty well over here as we are seeking the Lord.

These have come so that your faith of greater worth than gold, which  perishes even though refined by fire - may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. 1 Peter 1:7

Check out weird unsocialized homeschoolers for more Weekly Wrap-Ups


Penny said...

Great week! I love the Bible Bee stuff. They learn so much but they are definetly intense.

Anonymous said...

Im looking into the Bible Bee lessons. Sounds great~!

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