Friday, April 08, 2011

Weekly Wrap Up

Well, considering at this time of the year we are normally plodding along and I am often wondering why I homeschool in April & May we are actually doing much better then last week. We are not currently burnt out in fact I am adding some extra fun into our days to try to ward off burn out! I am looking forward to the upcoming weeks as the children start to finish some of their curriculums and I am starting to look at our summer and begin to intentionally plan fun memories and activities into it! Additionally, I have not shifted into a full blown hunt for next years curriculum which is often a distraction for me during the school year. So here is how our week went....

Pitete sweety (5th) - She has started reading through the old Testament in 90 days along with Bullet, they are both on schedule so far reading 3 chapters a day.  We are very happy with Christian Light Math 4 that she started last week. CLE Math has an advanced scope and sequence so its more like a 5th grade curriculum. She is still in the first light unit and she is taking a series of tests to detect any weaknesses which we have with decimals and she will be simulataneously working on Math Mammoth Decimals starting next week. Have I mentioned that I love Math Mammoth for remediation? She will continue to work on Math all summer long as we hope to complete Math 4 and move onto Math 5 in January of next year. She finished phonics last week and is about two weeks away from completeing Building Spelling Skills. She got a 100% on her spelling test this week, she's been up and down in spelling so this is a real victory for her! She will continue on in Climbing to Good Grammar until the end of our school year she is on lesson 81 so we may finish this book at the start of next year and simply keep on rolling forward. 

Bullet (2nd grader) - Fun thing, I have really been worried about my history selection (because she is such an avid reader) but in retrospect I don't think it really mattered since the kid read about 15 Autobiographies of the Childhood of Famous Americans series and is constantly telling me (informal narration) all about Abigal Adams, Wayne Anthony, Merriweahter Lewis, John Piccard, Ceciel B. D'Mile and more... So I am counting history for this kid as a victory. She took a couple of tests this week and she did very well on all of them. As far as the end of her year she may finish reading, science and history early but my plan, Lord willing, is that she continue on in Language Arts & Horizon's Math  until the planned end of our school year.

Sugar Pie (aka Cuddly) - Is moving along in her math but I still do not think she knows (fully or partially for that matter grasps) her numbers but she understands the concepts of mathematics very well as she is able to add & subtract. But when its time to tell me what a number is she says "nine & three" for ninety-three and so do not think she quite has the concept. I think much like reading it will eventually just click. As far as reading we are more then half way through teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons which we restarted in January. She is really reading well and it will be an exciting summer with three pretty independent readers doing all the summer reading programs around town. Right now she is scheduled to continue on with school until our planned end of school year and I really hope to finish Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons before we break!

I am trying to recapture fun Fridays we used to have so we are spending the rest of Friday filling in the space for the pool this summer(not so fun now but will be later) & playing board games! Even though we are plugging full speed ahead for the rest of this year I definitely have my eyes on a summer filled with love and lots of sweet memories when Mama's are just Mamas!

For more weekly-wrap ups head over to Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers!

May the warm air bring a carefree feel into your homeschool too!
Blessings upon you and your household!

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