Sunday, March 06, 2011

Weekly round up Post Pneumonia

I want to thank everyone for their sweet notes of encouragement and let you know we are back on the road to recovery. We have slowly restarted school again!

Kindergarten- We are currently working through Teach your child to Read in 100 Easy lessons. Sugar Pie is really doing well and we are now doing 2 lessons every other day. She'll be on lesson 40 on Friday and we should get done with the book by the second week of May.  This is going to be the first summer that all of the bigs will be able to complete their Summer Reading on their own. I know 5 years old is not really big but don't tell her!  

2nd grader-  Had 3 tests in the middle of this week she did great on 2 and not so well on one. But on the one, that she did not do so well on, it was on a portion I'm not concerned about. Christian Light has some funky phonics symbols that they teach to their students and Parks (and frankly I) don't get it.  Parks is a proficient reader even if she doesn't know what an upside down e sounds like! :) I'm going to be crossing that mess out in the future.

5/6th grader- I think our greatest accomplishment this week is that our 5/6th grader finally understood long division after weeks of working with her. She did her lesson and she didn't even miss a problem. This is the second time we have used Math Mammoth to deal with a delay and this is the second time it has helped us out! So now my time to pick the next math program we use is short. She still has to work on MM Division  II and on MM ratios/fractions. But I think I'm going to start her back into a regular curriculum soon. So I am trying to pick between Christian Light Math, ACE Ministries Math programs or continuing with Horizons Math.

Also, because of some recent changes in plans I have some re-planning to do for the end of our school year. But the planning process over here is pretty simple and for me its really meant to keep us on target.

This weeks marked the start of the soccer season. This is the second year that my husband and I will be coaches in the league. Last night we had meet the coach for both our Kinder & 2nd grader. We participate in Upwards Soccer. We choose Upwards for two big reasons:
  1. It is centered on the Bible and it's mission is to help lead children to Christ. The children have memory verses and we have a devotional at practices.
  2. There is only one practice each week!
Yes, ladies and gentlemen just one practice!

I hope everyone had a wonderful week! May the Lord Jesus fill your house with peace & grace this week.

1 comment:

MissMOE said...

Glad to hear your family is starting to feel better--make sure to continue to take it easy to keep the healing going.

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