Friday, October 01, 2010

Ministry Update

 This is our first ministry update and I decided to do these periodic updates as an encouragement to other families. We are doing this because, we want our children to be mission minded and to fill their time with the things the Lord has called us to (James 1:27).  We do not want them to think we only serve God on Spring Break & during the summer but instead  we want service to be an out pouring of our love as disciples of Christ. Currently we volunteer at a Nursery Home & the Food Bank. I would love to say it's so easy,  but it's not easy to take 5 kiddos (2 babies) anywhere but I can say it is worth it!

 We spent the first half an hour or so making bags while I was explaining to the kiddos that they were not going to be getting paid. I had to explain to them that we were giving our time to help the food bank to serve the Elderly (We did Elderly bags) & the poor. Parker brought some tracts & her Bible with her but she was unable to pass any out this time.
 We talked about people being hungry and how the food bank tries to meet the need for those people. We wore our Church shirts to remind us & everyone that saw us that we are serving  to God's glory.
 They were a bunch of  hard little workers and their arms were strong for the task. The twins stayed asleep most of the time and ate at our break. The kids filled up a whole box! All I did was make double bags and make sure Sugar Pie gave everyone a box of mashed potatoes! :)

Volunteering at the Food bank was great and it's an easy thing for little children to do without a great deal of
help. But I would encourage you to find out who else will be volunteering at the same time as your family. At our food bank the Inmates serve there a few times a week. Well, we do not feel our little children are called to minister to inmates so we scheduled our times appropriately. Your family may feel called to minister to inmates and this would be the perfect time for you. If you would like to come with us please let me know and I'll let you know when we will be there in October.
The last picture is of the kiddos in one of the residents rooms at the Assisted Living in CS with a friend for church. We have talked to the kiddos about how the elderly are lonely and how God calls us to serve Widows (James 1:27). We try to do this at least 2x a month and the kids really enjoy going and playing games and visiting with the residents. But the babies are the true stars of this event and all the residents love to hold & play with them. We have been trying to arrange a time for a recital for the residents. This has been difficult because of constant staffing changes. We'd love it if your children would like to play and/or if you would pray for the problems we've run into with getting the Christmas Concert scheduled resolved.

Let your light shine so that they may see your works and glorify your God in heaven. We praise God for these opportunities to serve His people.

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