Friday, August 13, 2010

Something to read and two things to make this weekend...

I spend a lot of time feeding babies and reading blogs now so here are a couple of things to make for the family and some interesting  and possibly controversial things to read from my blogosphere this weekend:

Tapeworm's State of the Legion Address this is an article from World Net Daily regarding the successful conquest of America written in a Screwtape Letters style. Loved this well written is a great quote from it: " These reports clearly show our success in systematically destroying the worldview of children from Christian families. "

Hip Skirts by Sew Mama Sew is a pattern to make 3 different kinds of skirts that I am excited to try to make with all of my free time with kids!

The hand that Rocks the Cradle isn't Mama this is by Raising Arrows and discusses the dangers of letting our children be raised by entities other then the parents. I think of the near hour and half a day we spend on focused Bible Study in our home and I know I could not have done that when Peyton was going to school. I want to add that you do not have to homeschool to be a good parent, you have to be very involved and purposeful to be a good parent.

A Prayer for Homemakers from Ladies Against Feminism. If you've never been to this site you may want to plan to spend a little time there. Voddies daughter has written a couple of articles this week on singleness.

We don't love children we love drywall by Generation Cedar she discusses the heart issues that lead us to limit our family sizes. My Husband and I were discussing this and you know the world has 1.9 children per family and since we are in the world and not of the world perhaps we can consider having 3-4 kiddos or more. 

Mexican Lasagna  recipe from Smokity Frock I really want to try looks yummy & simple. It also contains ingredients that I normally keep in stock at home which makes it a real plus during these busy days.  By the way it just happens to be gluten free since it uses corn instead of flour tortillas.

What we fill our minds with by Jason Kinnard at New Life Baptist church he discusses what information we allow to come into our minds.

Let me know what you think especially if you have something else for us all to think about! Have a great weekend! May the grace and peace of the Lord's presence fill your homes.

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