Thursday, July 15, 2010

Adoption Update +

Well, its been a while since our last adoption update. We are 'paper pregnant' which means we have completed all the requirements and we are waiting for a placement. The waiting process has not been as difficult as I anticipated of course I am only a couple of weeks into it. The Lord has been so good to me I have not been focusing on the wait. Wayne reminds me that we will receive all of the children the Lord has for us.

This week we found out two little guys were available and we are having our home study submitted for them.  What this means is that there are two little people out there looking for adoptive parents. The case worker will chose 3 families and then they will meet and rank the families. This process takes several weeks and there are no guarantees!

Though I have left the timing in the Lords hands I apparently didn't give it all over to the Lord. Because even as I was typing the e-mail I was thinking "I want a baby". These two are little guys  but not babies. You know the old man works his ugly old self into even the beauty of adoption. Yet, still the Lord is good as Wayne and I are both reading Oswald Chambers "My Utmost for His Highest" and on the 12th the scripture was "Till we are come...unto the measure of stature of the fullness of Christ" Eph 4:5 The end of Mr Chambers devotional points out the following:"To fulfill God's design means entire abandonment to Him. Whenever I want things for myself, the relationship is distorted....'My goal is God Himself, not joy nor peace, Nor even blessing but Himself, my God.' " And I can add to it nor a baby.

Today, I stand (okay, lay in bed) committed to the race laid before me. I may not get to slip into boy raising, we may take off running with 3 kiddos below the age of 5! So there may be a change in my plans and I may be relying on the Lord for toddler beds, bigger boy clothes & toys. But you know His plans are higher and better then my plans! Please pray for us that we would keep focused on the unseen for it is eternal!

BTW...I am on vacation until Saturday and will rejoin the digital age Sunday or Monday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just LOVE your blog --It's such a warm and happy place to visit :-D You and your family will be in my prayers as you wait on placement for adopting. God bless!

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