Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I did not have any idea what slack lining was and once I found out about it we had to try it.

We were blessed by Kristin came out to teach us to slack line. We had a great time on the line and we hope to get one of these for Christmas since we live in an oak forest this is definitely a fun family activity. I was unable to stand on it which was frustrating since my balance is really good in general but I could not get my leg to stop shaking. Sugar Pie and Peyton walked across with the assistance of the ever ready adult to prevent the kids from falling 2 to the ground! But Parkerpine was like an old pro walking nearly half way across it without any help!

So I highly recommend slack lining for family fun and embarrassment! (the embarrassment is just for the parents who are trying to make it across with some sort of dignity!)

Give it a try!


Carla said...

How cool!!

Brandi Tejeda said...

That looks like FUN! Ive looked it normal for this kit to cost around $100.00??? Im cheap... lol

texasmcvays said...

Hey Brandi, I'm going to do a followu on the slacklining. But yes its going to be around $70 but I really think for a whole family actiity it may be worth it. It's less hen a trampoline, zip line or swingset.I'm cheap too so this is more like a family Christmas present at Rooster Hill. The sweet girl who showed us how to slackline also sent me an e-mail with information. so I'll try to get it posted in the next two weeks. Good to hear from you girlie hope all is going well in your home and homeschool! Kyle

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