Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Mother's Day Request flower gardening

Much like Heather's post Holidays go much smoother if clear requests are made. This year I have had the gardening bug and I have asked for a rose bush.

So now I will check the "Texas Superstars" what is that you say? It's the list of plants that they plant, fertilize and water once and forget about them. If they survive and thrive they become a Texas Superstar. Still though I think Rose Gardening is more for the intermediate to advanced beginner due to the pruning and fertilizing. So if you are still killing everything wait a little bit or give me a call I'd love to help you out.
The Knock-Out Rose

Belinda's Dream Rose

Grandma's Yellow Rose

Marie Daly Rose

Need a good plant for Texas try the Texas Superstars. Need a gardener to help you just ask! Need some Rabbit Manure tea to make your roses bloom we've got some of that too!
All right ladies lets keep our tents beautiful, inside and out!


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