Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Master Composter

Well, I was finally able to take the Master Composter class offered by the City of College

Station. Although I knew the rudimentary level of composting now I really feel like I understand the process. I plan to read many sections of the Rodale book of composting and will most likely offer composting classes this summer to complete my 20 volunteer hours. So, this weekend I went around and reviewed our compost piles (3 piles) and determined their deficiencies and I will fix them over the next few weeks. Additionally, I determined that I want to have a 3 bin compost ,a mini wind row and vermi-composting for the kitchen scraps. We pay $28 for a pick-up truck full of compost about 5X a year. By composting our own kitchen waste, yard scraps & spoiled garden veggies. We will hopefully be able to eliminate that expense.

Additionally, I learned how to properly use compost in the garden. How to compost chicken manure in the coop and lower the smell in the coop.

For those of you that are interested the class costs $15 it is put on by BVSWM and run by Mrs. Shelia McQueen. During the class you receive about $75 worth of stuff including a compost bin, Rodale Composting book, T-shirt, lunch at Jason Deli (or the like), water bottles and there are several drawings for thermometer & truckload of compost. This is $15 well spent!




Rachel said...

Yeah, Kyle! I will have to tell Thomas, he will be so proud of you.

not hallie said...

You're so good to our earth :)

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