Friday, October 02, 2009

Homeschool PE: Upwards Soccer or "Soccer Players Finally!"

This is our first year participating in organized sports. We are very careful about not getting over scheduled and spending most of our time running around, instead of as a family. Still I am very excited to finally have a couple of soccer players!

Accordingly, we spent a lot of time trying to decide where we should participate either in Upwards or City Soccer.

We finally decided that we would participate in Upwards Soccer at Central Baptist Church. Upwards has 1 practice a week and they will co-ordinate your practices to be on the same day. There is one location for all of the games so we are never driving around town or splitting the family up to participate in different games. Additionally, I strongly believe that in such programs there are non & nominal believers to be reached for His glory. Having participated in this program for a few weeks now I have found this to be true. Additionally, Upwards requires the children to memorize a verse each week and thus rewards the development of character along with skill. In their character development program the kids have a chance to win 5 different stars each week:

  1. Yellow- sportsmanship

  2. Blue - effort

  3. Red - best defense

  4. Gray best offense

  5. White - Christ likeness

I found our participation in this program as something that is helping us to facilitate the growth of Christian Character in our children. They are so excited about games and they have been blessed by the coaches assessment of their game. So far Parker has received a gray & yellow star. Sweet butterfly chasing Pearsy is a white star as she has appointed her self 'kid picker-upper' & the one who must make sure everyone is okay!

This year this program fits the bill for our family. It is family friendly and Christ-centered for Grown ups and kids! Next year who knows where the Lord will lead us...


not hallie said...

They're going to be little soccer stars like their mama!
Full rides to school!!

Lisa Smith said...

hey Kyle!!! The girls are getting so big! Looks like ya'll are having a great fall. gotta love that soccer :)

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