Thursday, December 18, 2008

PGM Choir on parade....

The PGM Homeschool Choir won First Place in the Music/Band/Marching Band category in the B/CS Christmas Parade on Sunday! The Resonant Ringers bell choir performed "We Wish You A Merry Christmas" on our float "Reindeer Music Games. The Aspiring Angels rode on the trailer behind the Resonant Ringers and we rang our hearts out and as Parker so aptly captured our other job: "Wave & Smile Boys, Wave & Smile" from one of our favorite movies Madagascar.

The funniest thing during the parade was when I asked Pearsy to please say Merry Christmas to all of the people. She said in her sweet little voice "okay Mama." And then preceded to screech, holler at the folks with the most threatening "MERRY CHRISTMAS" you've ever heard outside of a Charles Dickens a Christmas Carol.

Thank you Mrs. Lassiter, Santini, Beam, McElheny and anyone else I am forgetting for putting this all together!

NOW HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS...or we'll send Pearsy after ya!


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