Monday, December 29, 2008

New on the Hill & More Benavides

Our Cornish Broilers & Buff Orpington's have arrived! Chicks are so cute and right now the house is just 'cheeping' away! The girls and I are getting ready to go make the chicken nursery hospitable to our newest little ones. This little chick is one of the Buffs we are keeping the buffs as setters and they will be long term residents with the job of hatching our eggs.

We always go and pick up our chickens from Ideal Poultry in Cameron instead of having them shipped. It may cost us more then $8 shipping however every time we go we visit our friends the Benavides! That is priceless!!!
(Please enjoy Kim's adorable Christmas slippers!)
We had a wonderful time with them they surprised our family with their generosity and we are now and shall continue to be awe struck by their love! The kids play and get along with very little difficulty and have the same interests. The adults fellowship with ease, in fact Kim taught me how to make bags while we were there! It was so sweet to see her showing me how to sew this new item with her little pregnant belly. One wonderful part of Christian Fellowship happened during a phone call at the end of the night (the content of which shall stay between families) set the evening apart!
Additionally, we are trading broilers for a meat goat in January (with Cedar Creek Farm) the goat will have a short stay at Rooster Hill until she is 'processed'. However, sometime this year we will get some more longer term residents on the Hill (we are ordering 4-5 Turkeys with Cedar Creek Farm & hope to add a larger animal).

So if you are coming by the hill now is the time to see some babies!
Happy New Year!
Rooster Hill


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You are so funny Kyle! I can't believe you put that picture of my mom houseshoes on there!!!!!:) Note:My mouth hit the floor when I saw that picture! Seriously!:O)

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Don't forget to check out our farm blog: Rooster Hill Farm we are currently accepting new broiler & egg customers!

Topics: farming, homesteading, chickens, garden, buff orpingtons, kids, Christ, Christian Homemaking, Bible, rabbits, chicks,cooking, food, comfort food, country food, nurishing traditions, organic, Baptist, raising kids, farm, fun, black homeschoolers, black homeschool, lamplighter coupon, lamp lighter discount, decorate small house, country decor, reformed baptist, Mama

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