Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Camping at Rooster Hill

The Watters surprised us early this month asking to come and camp here at Rooster Hill. Rachel took all of these great pictures (my digital is still broken).

Rachel brought some stew over and we all ended up dinner together. Which was a good thing because I burned the tar out of the turnips & dried out my corn bread because I forgot I was cooking while I showed them around the place. Anyone who has eaten here more then once can testify to my propensity to walk off and leave something cooking that needs tending. So we had turnip greens, stew, beans, dry cornbread and whole wheat bread.

After dinner we put the kids to bed and we talked and talked and talked until about midnight or 1 am and it really felt like no time had gone by. We had such a great time and found out we had so much in common with them.

We are really looking forward to our next adventure with them either here at Rooster Hill or elsewhere!

Now I am thinking we should totally have a righteous multi - family campout up here one weekend in the Spring! I know the price is right, we have a muddy pond and plenty of room...lols


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