Thursday, December 06, 2007

Grocery, Kitchen & More

Howdy, I know the topic of saving money in the kitchen came up this summer when I was in my Internet blackout. I love grocery shopping, cooking and penny pinching so I thought I'd let you know some of the things I do and you can tell me what you ladies do...

Proverbs 31:14-15 - "14 She is like the merchant ships,bringing her food from afar.15 She gets up while it is still dark;she provides food for her family and portions for her servant girls. "

I am trying to present this in a logical manner so I will start with the basics...The Grocery List and I will try to post a new subject every 3-5 days.

What I try to do is avoid walking around the store and picking up what I 'think' I need. Take a look in your pantry do you have any food that's been in there for more than a 4 weeks, that you have no plans of using? At the end of each 3-4 week cycle at my home consumables (excluding bulk purchase items like meat) are pretty much gone.

So when I go to the grocery store I take a list!I use a customized computer check off list (which I'm happy to e-mail to anyone who e-mails me to request it!)it stays on my fridge and as I realize we are out of something we check it off. Everyone who can read is responsible for checking things off on the list as it gets used up (my husband loves this...because I now I rarely forget items).

On that note if you have a comprehensive list you will go to the store less and this will also save you money and precious time. I have found it is very difficult to spend money at the store if I am at home. :) I have also found that Wayne rarely has to go to the store to pick up an item or two...

I look at homemaking as my job and grocery shopping as a skill for me develop. So when I go to the store with my bosses money I have a list on my clip board, a pen, highlighter & calculator. I use the pen to cross of the things I have already purchased and I keep a running total down the side of the page so I can make sure I am on budget. I highlight any item I do not get for what ever reason (not enough money, cannot find etc....). That way I rememeber to put it on the next list I use the calculator to determine the unit value of items, determine price with coupon quickly...... I have been asked several times when I am shopping at Wal-Mart who I work for....McVay Industries (we make girl babies).

I do a big shop once every two weeks and pick up perishables on the off week. I really try not to go to a grocery store more than once a week!

Here are some kinds of lists you may want to use:
• hand written list
• computer generated check off list (
• 4 square list – divided according to basic store locations such as frozen, fresh, canned and dairy pick up a sheet of blank paper and fold it in quarters and write dairy, frozen, canned, fresh on front and cleaning, clothes etc… on the back that is a four square list.Let me know if anyone uses another kind of list I can include on my website.

These are the rules I follow when I grocery shop:
• Do not enter the grocery store without a list.
• Follow the the list
• Have a budget and stick to it
• Do not go to the store hungry (I've walked through the door at Wal-mart headed straight to the bananas grabbed one for everyone then started shopping)
• Pack snacks for kids that tend to get hungry (granola bars something you can chunk in the baby bag/purse) –hungry whiny kids are not a joy to shop with!
• Do not shop during the baby’s nap time

If you just enter the store with a list you will save money as long as you stick strictly to that list (I will allow you to get Toilet Paper, but that's it!). Wandering aimlessly around the store costs me money & time everytime!

Next time...Meal Planning & I will reveal my grocery budget.....


Kathryn, Michael and Alex said...

Oh the list!!!
I go with a list with a quantity and the price so I know exactly how much I will be paying when I get to the register.
If it is not on the list, I do not buy it.
I meal plan, it saves SO much money.
Love it!!!
How funny that you are commenting on my blog at the same time I am commenting on yours...

Lisa Smith said...

Okay, when this topic came up, I told them to go the master. I am glad the master is speaking on the subject!

I love my list. I love knowing how much money I will spend before I get there. Also, the key to determining how much things cost before you go shopping is to go to the same store all the time. I used to do Walmart and I now do HEB. If I switch and have to do Kroger because of any reason...the amount differs. Know your store.

I miss you Kyle and am looking forward to a cup of coffee in the country!

Oh, it's chicken pox.

Lisa Smith said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jennifer Bacak said...

I am a serious meal planner and list maker, but I don't have a computer generated list, and this might change my life. Thanks Kyle!

Tania Evans said...


Thanks for the that I'm getting married, all your wonderful homemaking advice will be like gold. Thanks for sharing.


Tania Evans said...


Thanks for the that I'm getting married, all your wonderful homemaking advice will be like gold. Thanks for sharing.


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